\title{Importing from FeedReader}
\author{Jimmy O'Regan}
Using XSL to make data from FeedReader usable by Linux feed-readers.
FeedReader is an open source RSS aggregator for Windows. Because it stores all of its data in XML files, it's possible to use XSL to convert its data into a format suitable for import into any of the feed readers available for Linux.
FeedReader stores its data in the "Applications Data" directory. For example, on a Windows XP system with a single user, with the partition mounted at \texttt{/mnt/windows}, the data will be here:
\texttt{/mnt/windows/Documents\ and\ Settings/Owner/Application\ Data/FeedReader/}.
The data you are most likely to want to import is the list of your subscriptions. This is available in the file \texttt{subscriptions.xml}, which looks like this:
\label{Sample subscriptions.xml}
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As the output format, I'm using OPML - \url{http://www.opml.org/}. OPML is the standard format used to exchange subscriptions between feed readers. Like RSS 2.0, OPML is a format designed by Dave Winer. It was originally designed as a way of representing outlines: OPML stands for ``Outline Processor Markup Language''.
FeedReader Subscriptions